Before Lip….There was Steve/Jimmy/Jack

He had three different names, but did it really matter? Nope, not to me. Look at him….look at him in all his luscious perfection. He was sex on a stick and I didn’t care what he called himself. So he stole a few cars, denied his affluent family, lied about his whereabouts……look at him and picture his hands on your face staring into your eyes. I’d have forgiven him anything, at any time. He never went full “Shameless” filth and debauchery, but his showing up was enough to reel me in. Shame on Fiona for not getting on the Steve/Jimmy/Jack bus and going along for a forever ride with him. BUT, he changed. He became whiny and needy and girly. It was then time to move my dalliances, because I have no patience for whiny and needy. It was time for Lip to take the babe reigns, but it all began with Steve/Jimmy/Jack ♥.

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